
About inquiries

  • Inquiries are accepted during company hours on weekdays.
    Working hours: 9:00 AM ~ 5:00 PM, Monday ~ Friday
    (Inquiries are not accepted on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, the year-end holiday season, the summer vacation season, and company holidays.)

  • Please note that it may take considerable time for us to respond to your inquiry, depending on the matter raised.
    Please also note that we may not be able to provide a response, depending on the matter raised.

  • Replies will be sent to the individual customer. Please refrain from forwarding, making secondary use of, or disclosing any reply, in whole or in part, to any third party, without the permission of our company.

  • Because we may furnish a reply by telephone, please enter a telephone number where you can be contacted during the day.

Inquiry type

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Name of the product
Inquiry text *

Customer information

First Name *
Last Name *
E-mail address *
(Enter again for confirmation)
Postal code *
Address1 *
Address2 *
City *
State/Province *
Country *
Telephone number Example: +81-12-345-6789
Occupation *
Company name
Organizational unit

Personal information

  • We shall manage all personal information on customers and the text of their inquiries in accordance with our policy on protection of privacy.

  • We shall use any personal information on customers only for response to their inquiries.

For inquiries regarding the Corporate Site, Investor Relations,
News Release and Sustainability, please contact Fuji Oil Holdings

Fuji Oil Holdings
Inquiry Form

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Customer information

First Name
Last Name
E-mail address
Postal code
Telephone number
Company name
Organizational unit

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Research & Development

Ingredient Development

We make full use of basic technologies to promote the development of safe and secure products that are sought by customers and society, and embody our pursuit of healthiness, nutrition, and delicious flavor.

Vegetable Oils and Fats

Vegetable Oils and Fats

We develop oil and fats products with new functions, and manufacturing technology that are safe, secure, and environment-friendly.
Furthermore, through research and development on optimal application methods for products, we embody customer wants and needs, and contribute to the creation of delicious new flavors.

Industrial Chocolate

Industrial Chocolate

Fuji Oil Group is developing various ingredients to meet demands in the market. Our chocolate encompasses variety of lineup such as couverture chocolate, healthy chocolate, coating chocolate, and function enhanced chocolates that resists heat.

Emulsified and Fermented Ingredients

Emulsified and Fermented Ingredients

We develop delicious and functional whipping creams and margarines by utilizing oil and fat functions, and cheese flavored ingredients and filling applying our fermentation technologies.

Soy-based Ingredients

Soy-based Ingredients

Engaged in development pursuing new possibilities of soy beans, Fuji Oil Group is succeeding in developing unique products such as soy polysaccharides, soy protein isolate, textured soy protein, soy peptide, soy protein foods, and premium soy milk produced by the world’s first USS manufacturing method.