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Research & Development

Torokeru Fromage N- Melted texture even when chilled. An enchanting cheese ingredient

Challenging the impossible of cheese

Featuring a smooth texture that melts in the mouth, “Torokeru Fromage N” is a paste-type cheese ingredient that is used as filling for insertion in bread and hamburger patties. Ordinary natural cheese melts, softens, and stretches when heated, but hardens when it cools down. Many hard natural cheeses come in blocks, and consequently cannot be squeezed into bread products or handled by pastry filling machines in continuous production systems. The development of Torokeru Fromage N resulted from pursuit of the ultimate in genuine cheese flavor with a cheese in the form of a paste with a melted texture that would be easy to handle. Its appearance gave the world a new unprecedented deliciousness.

Attention to “melted texture” and “elasticity of natural cheese”

Attention to “melted texture” and “elasticity of natural cheese”

By applying Fuji Oil technologies in the emulsified & fermented foods business which begun in the 1980s, we developed fermented flavor ingredients with numerous qualities and functions that had not been available with natural cheese. One of the agenda we pursued right from the start of this business was duplication of the melted texture and elasticity of natural cheese.

The way it melts and stretches is one of the reasons why people like cheese and find it appealing. Cheese has these features, however, only if heated; they are lost as the cheese cools down. We wondered if there was some way to enable cheese to sustain this appeal. With Torokeru Fromage N, we took up the challenge of this task.

[ New function : elasticity of natural cheese ]
New function : elasticity of natural cheese

To widen the possibility of a cheese world with our technology

Our R&D group applied the store of technology accumulated by Fuji Oil in the areas of fermentation and plant-based ingredients. Using this technology, we adjusted the milk protein in cheese ingredients, and blended in starch and function-enhanced oils and fats. The goal was to achieve a texture that would stay smooth even after cooling and a physical elasticity like that of natural cheese immediately after heating. Furthermore, our advanced emulsification technology made it possible to prevent the separation of oils and transparency that appears in natural cheese after heating. This made the product look more appetizing as well.


Ordinary natural cheese
Ordinary natural cheese
The melting texture after baking will become harder in a few minutes.


Torokeru Fromage N
[Torokeru Fromage N]
Retains a melted texture without any change, even if cooled down after baking.

The world was stunned by this new dimension in delicious cheese. Torokeru Fromage N delivers a smooth and melted texture in bread and deli items, whether oven-baked or not. It is finding expanded application in a wide-range of markets including processed foods and the restaurant industry.