
About inquiries

  • Inquiries are accepted during company hours on weekdays.
    Working hours: 9:00 AM ~ 5:00 PM, Monday ~ Friday
    (Inquiries are not accepted on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, the year-end holiday season, the summer vacation season, and company holidays.)

  • Please note that it may take considerable time for us to respond to your inquiry, depending on the matter raised.
    Please also note that we may not be able to provide a response, depending on the matter raised.

  • Replies will be sent to the individual customer. Please refrain from forwarding, making secondary use of, or disclosing any reply, in whole or in part, to any third party, without the permission of our company.

  • Because we may furnish a reply by telephone, please enter a telephone number where you can be contacted during the day.

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  • We shall manage all personal information on customers and the text of their inquiries in accordance with our policy on protection of privacy.

  • We shall use any personal information on customers only for response to their inquiries.

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Fuji Oil Holdings
Inquiry Form

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About Us

What We Value

We are working to achieve the mission; Fuji Oil Group seeks to develop the potential of food ingredients. We will contribute to the happiness and well-being of the people by offering delicious and healthy food.
We value the co-creation with our customers and work for people.

Food safety, quality, and the environment

Food safety, quality, and the environment

The placement of top priority on safety, quality, and the environment as at the foundation of management in the Fuji Oil Group.

The Quality Control Section in each business division makes rigorous checks to see that products and manufacturing processes meet our rules and standards at every step in the process from raw material procurement to production and shipment.

Furthermore, we have instituted the Quality Assurance Department as an independent unit and constructed a setup for assurance of quality across divisional boundaries. In this way, we are able to deliver products that are of high quality as well as safe and secure to our customers.

Ties of trust with customers

Ties of trust with customers

The Fuji Oil Group intends to be a “best partner” that contributes to the resolution of food issues worldwide and creates new value in the world of food, together with its customers.

We propose solutions for issues faced by customers in all aspects, including provision of information on trends in the market and improvement of processes and operability. Our solutions are being handled in a variety of industries.
We are promoting the preparation of schemes for breeding new value for our customers and end-consumers in society, and aspire to emergence of new “kachizukuri” (Create Values).

Research and development technology

Research and development technology

Although it was a latecomer in the edible oils and fats industry, Fuji Oil managed to become as large as it is because it found a path to survival with original technology, believed in the boundless possibilities of ingredients, and achieved technical innovation on a continuous basis.

Fuji Oil prizes the diversity and individuality of its employees, and supports people who take up challenges. Our research and development personnel apply themselves diligently to the creation of tomorrow’s innovative technology, day after day.

Supporting delicious food, present and future

Supporting delicious food, present and future

Fuji Oil has the leading share of the Japanese market in the field of processed oils and fats for food products, which are used in many familiar food products including snack confections and powdered milk for infants.
It also ranks among the top three worldwide for commericial-use chocolate Moreover, it has a high share of the market for confectionery and bakery ingredients such as cream and filling.
We has been involved in research on soybean with pursuing its possibility for more a half century. We proud to say that we have established the USS manufacturing method, which can separate whole soy into low-fat soy milk and soy milk cream for the first time in the world. With this technology we will continue to contribute tasty and healthy food .

" Hitozukuri " (fostering people): approaches to a good life-work balance and diversity at Fuji Oil

" Hitozukuri " (fostering people): approaches to a good life-work balance and diversity at Fuji Oil

In 1988, Fuji Oil launched Fuji Active Network (FAN) in the form of a project and began taking action on support for employees who also have to care for children or aged relatives and on work style reform.
We have additionally established a post in charge of promoting diversity within the Human Resources Department. Under the banner of “building a vibrant career,” we are supporting the use of childcare and nursing services, support for childcare activities and trial introduction of arrangements for working at home and so on.

We remain aware of the diversity of our personnel makeup in hiring, training, appointment, and all other stages of human resource recruitment. Employees who were not citizens of Japan accounted for 10 percent of the new hires who entered the company in fiscal 2017. In addition, we regularly conduct on-site interchange with members of our Group in other countries.