
About inquiries

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    Working hours: 9:00 AM ~ 5:00 PM, Monday ~ Friday
    (Inquiries are not accepted on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, the year-end holiday season, the summer vacation season, and company holidays.)

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    Please also note that we may not be able to provide a response, depending on the matter raised.

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Fuji Oil Holdings
Inquiry Form

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Research & Development

Engineering Development

We are focused on safety, quality and environment as we work to realize production system with optimal timing.

Separately from the R&D Division, which carries out product development, the Engineering Development Department is made up of engineers performing engineering research to increase productivity as well as equipment design and construction management for process development and production plant construction. We develop and realize advanced production technologies with competitive strength, enhanced by the safety, quality, and productivity of the production facilities that support Fuji Oil Group.
We also take charge of planning and construction of plants for the Fuji Oil Group both in Japan and overseas, actively introducing overseas technologies as one of the most globalized departments. The following five sections of our department carry out engineering development and plant construction in their specialist fields.

Oils & Fats

Has proprietary core technologies such as fractionation and enzyme technology, and develops production processes and carries out design and construction in order to make products developed by the R&D Division practical for the oils and fats business.


We are involved in the development of manufacturing processes, basic design, trial operation and start-up to construct means for manufacturing industrial chocolate and emulsified and fermented ingredients with higher quality and lower cost.

Soy Protein

Featuring many proprietary technologies of Fuji Oil, the production processes of soy-related products are consisted of wide range of advanced production technologies. The Soy Protein Section performs manufacturing process development, plant design and construction management.

Electricity & Process
Control Section

Carries out basic design of plant equipment such as power transformer, power control panels, control monitoring systems and electrical instrumentation. Works together with other sections to introduce electrical instrumentation that is optimized for Fuji Oil plants.


Working together with external architects, Construction Section carries out design and construction of office and plant buildings. Also manage information collection to improve productivity.